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DeepMind’s latest research at ICML 2022

Paving the way for generalised systems with more effective and efficient AI Starting this weekend, the thirty-ninth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022) is meeting from 17-23 July, 2022 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Maryland, USA, and will be running as a hybrid event. Researchers working across artificial intelligence, data science, machine vision,…

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The virtuous cycle of AI research

We recently caught up with Petar Veličković, a research scientist at DeepMind. Along with his co-authors, Petar is presenting his paper The CLRS Algorithmic Reasoning Benchmark at ICML 2022 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. My journey to DeepMind... Throughout my undergraduate courses at the University of Cambridge, the inability to skilfully play the game of Go…

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