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The Past, Present, and Future of Data Quality Management: Understanding Testing, Monitoring, and Data Observability in 2024 | by Barr Moses | May, 2024

The data estate is evolving, and data quality management needs to evolve right along with it. Here are three common approaches and where the field is heading in the AI era. Image by author.Are they different words for the same thing? Unique approaches to the same problem? Something else entirely? And more importantly — do…

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Bayesian Data Science: The What, Why, and How | by Samvardhan Vishnoi | Apr, 2024

Choosing between frequentist and Bayesian approaches is the great debate of the last century, with a recent surge in Bayesian adoption in the sciences. Number of articles referring Bayesian statistics in (April 2024) — Graph by the authorWhat’s the difference? The philosophical difference is actually quite subtle, where some propose that the great bayesian…

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