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Enhanced Large Language Models as Reasoning Engines | by Anthony Alcaraz | Dec, 2023

The recent exponential advances in natural language processing capabilities from large language models (LLMs) have stirred tremendous excitement about their potential to achieve human-level intelligence. Their ability to produce remarkably coherent text and engage in dialogue after exposure to vast datasets seems to point towards flexible, general purpose reasoning skills. However, a growing chorus of…

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Understanding LoRA — Low Rank Adaptation For Finetuning Large Models | by Bhavin Jawade | Dec, 2023

Math behind this parameter efficient finetuning method Fine-tuning large pre-trained models is computationally challenging, often involving adjustment of millions of parameters. This traditional fine-tuning approach, while effective, demands substantial computational resources and time, posing a bottleneck for adapting these models to specific tasks. LoRA presented an effective solution to this problem by decomposing the update…

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