Understanding the world from a first-person perspective is essential in Augmented Reality (AR), as it introduces unique challenges and significant visual transformations compared to third-person views. While synthetic data has greatly benefited vision models in third-person views, its utilization in tasks involving embodied egocentric perception still needs to be explored. A major obstacle in this…
I discovered the Himalayan Database a few weeks ago and decided to create a few “whimsical” visualizations based on this dataset. In two previous articles I created a simple elevation plot for Everest expeditions and a plot showing the relative number of deaths for 5 Himalayan peaks. This time I wanted to explore expedition accident…
Data comes in different shapes and forms. One of those shapes and forms is known as categorical data. This poses a problem because most Machine Learning algorithms use only numerical data as input. However, categorical data is usually not a challenge to deal with, thanks to simple, well-defined functions that transform them into numerical values.…
Removing the outer border of Landsat satellite images using the stac file (source: author)Telling stories with satellite images is straightforward. The mesmerising landscapes do most of the work. Yet, visualising them takes some work such as selecting and scaling the RGB channels. In this article, we will go further. We will see how we can…
Enhancing the receptive field of models is crucial for effective 3D medical image segmentation. Traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) often struggle to capture global information from high-resolution 3D medical images. One proposed solution is the utilization of depth-wise convolution with larger kernel sizes to capture a wider range of features. However, CNN-based approaches need help…
On a scale from 1 to 10 how good are your data ingestion skills? Photo by Blake Connally on UnsplashData ingestion is a crucial step in data engineering. Data engineers load huge amounts of data into various database systems for further transformation and processing. While dealing with relatively small amounts of data on staging we…
Image by DALLE
LinkedIn is a professional networking site that has allowed professionals to connect around the world, land amazing jobs, and continuously keep you in the loop with your sector. But now you can also gain some amazing resources from them with their free courses.
And as we know everybody is going…
Large-scale pre-trained vision-language models, exemplified by CLIP (Radford et al., 2021), exhibit remarkable generalizability across diverse visual domains and real-world tasks. However, their zero-shot in-distribution (ID) performance faces limitations on certain downstream datasets. Additionally, when evaluated in a closed-set manner, these models often struggle with out-of-distribution (OOD) samples from novel classes, posing safety risks in…
Numerous challenges underlying human-robot interaction exist. One such challenge is enabling robots to display human-like expressive behaviors. Traditional rule-based methods need more scalability in new social contexts, while the need for extensive, specific datasets limits data-driven approaches. This limitation becomes pronounced as the variety of social interactions a robot might encounter increases, creating a demand…
Four Apache Airflow internals you might have missed Image generated via DALL-EI have been working with Airflow for more than three years now and overall, I am quite confident with it. It’s a powerful orchestrator that helps me build data pipelines quickly and in a scalable fashion while for most things I am looking to…