How to avoid overfitting whilst training your neural network title=”neural network icons.” Neural network icons created by Vectors Tank — Flaticon.Background What is Overfitting? Lasso (L1) and Ridge (L2) Regularisation Early Stopping Dropout Other Methods Summary So far in this neural networks 101 series we have discussed two ways to improve the performance of…
A team of researchers from MIT and the Institute of AI and Fundamental Interactions (IAIFI) has introduced a groundbreaking framework for robotic manipulation, addressing the challenge of enabling robots to understand and manipulate objects in unpredictable and cluttered environments. The problem at hand is the need for robots to have a detailed understanding of 3D…
MeshGPT is proposed by researchers from the Technical University of Munich, Politecnico di Torino, AUDI AG as a method for autoregressive generating triangle meshes, leveraging a GPT-based architecture trained on a learned vocabulary of triangle sequences. This approach uses a geometric vocabulary and latent geometric tokens to represent triangles, producing coherent, clean, compact meshes with…
IoT technology can transform power grid management by increasing visibility, improving maintenance, optimizing power distribution and more. With IoT devices, utility companies can autonomously monitor their grid infrastructure around the clock. What are the benefits of continuous IoT monitoring? How can IoT tech help utility companies build more resilient grids?
Automated Grid Monitoring …
Introduction In the fast-paced world of modern business, document approval processes are paramount. These processes, which encompass the review, modification, and finalization of documents, are critical in ensuring that business operations run smoothly and adhere to necessary compliance standards. These processes impact everything from internal communications and contract negotiations to financial reporting and project management.…
Image by Author
GitHub has long been the go-to platform for developers, including those in the data science community. It offers robust version control and collaboration features. However, data scientists often have unique requirements, such as handling large datasets, complex workflows, and specific collaboration needs that GitHub may not fully cater to. This…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a groundbreaking technology transforming numerous industries, and healthcare is no exception. AI is transforming the healthcare landscape with its ability to process vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make intelligent predictions. From diagnosis and treatment to research and patient care, AI has the potential to improve efficiency, accuracy,…
How Game Theory can help you with every day’s decisions Image made by the author using MidjourneySomewhere in an uncharted galaxy, you and your friend are being held prisoners by an enigmatic group of extraterrestrial beings. They promise to let you go if you beat them in one of their games. You sit at a…