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Researchers from MIT and Meta Introduce PlatoNeRF: A Groundbreaking AI Approach to Single-View 3D Reconstruction Using Lidar and Neural Radiance Fields

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), Meta, and Codec Avatars Lab have addressed the challenging task of single-view 3D reconstruction from a neural radiance field (NeRF) perspective and introduced a novel approach, PlatoNeRF. The method proposes a solution using time-of-flight data captured by a single-photon avalanche diode, overcoming limitations associated with data priors and…

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5 Ways to Remove Pages from PDFs

As we navigate through the intricacies of document management, it's not uncommon to encounter scenarios where a leaner, more focused PDF is desired. Perhaps you aim to trim down the file size for easier sharing, extract pertinent information for a concise report, or declutter and refine a document for a polished presentation. Whatever the reason,…

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Oxford Researchers Introduce Splatter Image: An Ultra-Fast AI Approach Based on Gaussian Splatting for Monocular 3D Object Reconstruction

Single-view 3D reconstruction stands at the forefront of computer vision, presenting a captivating challenge and immense potential for various applications. It involves inferring an object or scene’s three-dimensional structure and appearance from a single 2D image. This capability is significant in robotics, augmented reality, medical imaging, and cultural heritage preservation. Overcoming this challenge has been…

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Convolution Explained — Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks | by Egor Howell | Dec, 2023

The fundamental building block of CNNs ”" title=”neural network icons.” Neural network icons created by Freepik — Flaticon.My recent articles have been a series on neural networks where we go from the simple perceptron to complicated architectures and how to deal with common problems in deep learning. If you are interested, feel free to check…

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Researchers from Tsinghua University and Zhipu AI Introduce CogAgent: A Revolutionary Visual Language Model for Enhanced GUI Interaction

The research is rooted in the field of visual language models (VLMs), particularly focusing on their application in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This area has become increasingly relevant as people spend more time on digital devices, necessitating advanced tools for efficient GUI interaction. The study addresses the intersection of LLMs and their integration with GUIs,…

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Storytelling with Visualization — Which Area Has the Highest Socio-Economic Score, and Why | by Jin Cui | Dec, 2023

Once in a while, for more efficient allocation of resources, the Government may collect data from individuals or households about their demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, and country of birth, as well as their socio-economic characteristics, such as income, occupation and spend. Some of these data are then aggregated by geographic regions and made…

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