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How to build your own Google AI Chatbot within 5 minutes? | by Selina Li | Feb, 2024

In this case, assuming I am the owner of an ecommerce website. I would like to create a Chatbot, so my users can ask specific questions regarding anything about this website (price, product, service, shipping, etc.) as they are in the store. The Chatbot will be supplied with the “private knowledge” and ground its answers to the contents of the website.

Given I am not actually owning an ecommerce website, I will take a workaround to crawl contents from an existing website available on the Internet. This is tricky because most websites are anti-scraping as specified in their terms of use, and it could be illegal to scrape ecommerce websites such as Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc.

ChatGPT provided me with a perfect option —

Books to Scrape ( A simulated bookstore specifically designed for web scraping practice. It offers a straightforward structure for scraping book details like title, price, and rating.

In this use case, I would assume I am the owner of this Books to Scrape website, and create the Chatbot based on it.

This might look a bit lengthy at first glance because it covers every detailed step that you will need. Once you have run through, you can get the same done within 5 minutes.

Step 1: Environment Setup

The tool we are going to use is sitting on Google Vertex AI and we will need a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account.

Google has a free-tier program to provide new Google Cloud Platform (GCP) users with a 90-day trial period that includes $300 as free Cloud Billing credits.

Follow the tutorial here to set up the free Google Cloud account.

After you have set up Google Cloud account and can access the console, create a storage bucket (step-by-step guide here) for the next step use.

Step 2: Prepare Private Knowledge and store them into Google Cloud Storage (low code)

As mentioned above, the private knowledge in this case will be the contents sitting on the book store website.

For owners of ecommerce websites, all you need to do is to provide the website URLs, and Google can automatically crawl website content from a list of domains you define.

Given I am not a real owner, I will resolve this by scrawling. Alan Blount from Google provided a very useful notebook to achieve this. All the code snippet does is to scrawl webpages from the website that you specified and store them in a Google Cloud Storage bucket that you specified.

This is all you need to do:

2.1 Save a copy of the notebook in your own drive

Recall that in step 2 you have created a new Google account when you registered for Google Cloud? Your Google account will have Google Drive and you can save a copy of this notebook to your drive.

Select “Save a copy in Drive” option from the dropdown menu of “File”

Image from Google Colab Notebook by Alan Blount

Then if you go to Google Drive, you will be able to see the notebook you created. Feel free to rename it according to your need.

2.2 On your own notebook, locate the below and specify

Image from Google Colab Notebook

website_url refers to the website page URL that you would like to scrawl.

storage_bucket refers to the Google Cloud Storage that you created in above step 1.

metadata_filename refers to a json file that will be created and stored together with the webpages. You might want to make it relevant to your website by changing applied_ai_summit_flutter_search to something that can describe your use case.

This is my version:

Image from Google Colab Notebook

2.3 Run all

Image from Google Colab Notebook

2.4 When it prompts you to authenticate the Google Colab notebook to access your Google credentials, click “Allow” -> “Continue”

Image from Google Colab Notebook

Then the script should run through and show the progress of the scrawling at the bottom, just like this:

Image from Google Colab Notebook

And if you refer to your Google Cloud storage bucket, you will see these html files get scrawled and stored properly within your bucket:

Image from Google Cloud Console

One thing to notice is that the code snippet is not designed for every use case, and you might need some slight tuning of the codes to achieve your goal.

For example, in my case, I tuned the code a bit by changing



blob.upload_from_string(html_string, content_type='text/html')

By default the html_string will be uploaded as text/plain . By changing into text/html , I would like to enable this HTML contents to show properly in a later stage.

You can tune the code as much as you like.

Step 3: Create Chatbot and the Data Store sitting behind the Chatbot (no code)

Go to Google Cloud Console ( and type “search and conversation” as the service:

Create “NEW APP”:

Image from Google Cloud Console

Select “Chat”:

Image from Google Cloud Console

Provide your “Company name” and “Agent name”. Note that the “Agent name” here will be the name of the Chatbot, you might want to put a good name for your users.

Image from Google Cloud Console

At this “Data” page, select “CREATE NEW DATA STORE”:

Image from Google Cloud Console

For owners of ecommerce websites, select “Website URLs” and provision your website URLs

As I have scrawled the website contents into Cloud Storage, we can select “Cloud Storage” here:

Image from Google Cloud Console

Specify the Cloud Storage bucket name, and select “Unstructured documents” in below:

Image from Google Cloud Console

Give your data store a name, then “CREATE”

Image from Google Cloud Console

You will see your data store listed, then “CREATE”

Image from Google Cloud Console

Your data store will be created as below

Image from Google Cloud Console

If you click into it, you will see your data store is “processing data” by importing documents from the Cloud Storage bucket that we specified earlier:

Image from Google Cloud Console

If we click the “ACTIVITY” tab, we can see the import is in progress:

Image from Google Cloud Console

Import will take minutes to hours depending on the number of documents in your Cloud Storage bucket.

In my case, I have over 1,000 files and it finishes within minutes.

After import is completed, the status as highlighted has changed:

Image from Google Cloud Console

And if you switch back to the “DOCUMENTS” tab, you will see the list of files imported into the data store:

Image from Google Cloud Console

That means you’ve got all the materials and you are ready to cook!

Step 4: Test the Chatbot (no code)

In step 3 above, we have already created a Chatbot app as well as the data store sitting behind it.

Click “Apps” on the top:

Image from Google Cloud Console

You will see the Chatbot you created in the previous step 3:

Image from Google Cloud Console

If you click into the Chatbot name, you will be directed to the Dialogflow CX page like below:

Image from Google Cloud Console

To test the Chatbot, select “Test Agent” in the right up corner:

Image from Google Cloud Console

And the dialogue box will pop up:

Image from Google Cloud Console

You can start the conversation by saying “hi” and start asking questions to the Chatbot:

Image from Google Cloud Console

It works!

Step 5: Publish / Integrate your Chatbot (low code)

If you are happy with the Chatbot, it is easy to integrate it with your web application

Go to the left pane, select “Manage” -> “Integrations” -> “Dialogflow Messenger”

Image from Google Cloud Console

You can choose the type of API and UI style according to your needs

For demo purpose, I selected “Unauthenticated API” as API and “Pop-out” as UI style:

Image from Google Cloud Console

After selecting “Done”, a code snippet in HTML will be generated in the next page as below:

Image from Google Cloud Console

You may copy the code snippet and easily paste it into your applications for integration.

For demo purpose, I copy paste this HTML snippet into JSFiddle and run it, then I am getting my little Chatbot working as shown in the right down corner!

Image from JSFiddle

Step 6 (Optional): Publish it through a Beautiful Application (low code)

In case you don’t have an application yet and you want to have one, Google provides a good starting point through a public git repository Chat App.

This is a Chatbot Application written in Node.js and you can easily adapt it for your own use by changing the code snippets a bit within chat-app/src/routes/+page.svelte .

You will need to change the project-id, agent-id and chat-title into yours.

Image from git repo

And once you run/deploy the app, you will get the web UI like this:

Image from git repo

Of course you can change the appearance of the UI as you like.

Now you can have your own application!

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