Quick Success Data Science Learn graphical text analysis with NLTK Sherlock Holmes (by DALL-E3)The Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) ships with a fun feature called a dispersion plot that lets you post the location of a word in a text. More specifically, it plots the occurrences of a word versus the number of words from…
To keep things simple and costs to a minimum ETL Pipeline | Image by authorETL stands for Extract, Transform, and Load. An ETL pipeline is essentially just a data transformation process — extracting data from one place, doing something with it, and then loading it back to the same or a different place. If you…
Using scenario based stress testing to identify medium (2050) and long term (2100) sea level rise risks This project utilizes a scenario based qualitative stress testing approach to identify US coastal census tracts expected to adversely impacted by sea level rise (SLR) in the medium (2050) and long term (2100). One Baseline and two ‘plausible…
First of all, let’s define our hypoparameters. Like in many other metaheuristic algorithms, these variables should be adjusted on the way, and there is no versatile set of values. But let’s stick to these ones: POP_SIZE = 10 #population size MAX_ITER = 30 #the amount of optimization iterations w = 0.2 #inertia weight c1…
When LLMs give us outputs that reveal flaws in human society, can we choose to listen to what they tell us? Photo by Vince Fleming on UnsplashBy now, I’m sure most of you have heard the news about Google’s new LLM*, Gemini, generating pictures of racially diverse people in Nazi uniforms. This little news blip…
Learn to use AI to boost the efficiency of your business Image by geralt on PixabaySince the advent of ChatGPT, it has brought tremendous shock to human society. Especially for us developers, our lives have been reshaped dramatically because of it. ChatGPT can answer all kinds of technical and non-technical questions correctly, accurately, and efficiently.…
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have emerged as pivotal forces driving innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage across industries. For Chief Technology Officers, IT Directors, Tech Project Managers, and Tech Product Managers, understanding and integrating these technologies into business strategies is no longer optional; it’s imperative. It’s…
Data Science Introduction to MCMC, dividing it into its simplest terms Photo by Karine Avetisyan on UnsplashI recently posted an article where I used Bayesian Inference and Markov chain Monte carlo (MCMC) to predict the CL round of 16 winners. There, I tried to explain bayesian statistics in relative depth but I didn’t tell much…
Image Property of Author — Create with NightcafeDiscover how to significantly improve inference latency on CPUs using quantization techniques for mixed, int8, and int4 precisions One of the most significant challenges the AI space faces is the need for computing resources to host large-scale production-grade LLM-based applications. At scale, LLM applications require redundancy, scalability, and…
The quest to refine neural networks for practical applications traces its roots back to the foundational days of the field. When Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams first demonstrated how to use the backpropagation algorithm to successfully train multi-layer neural networks that could learn complex, non-linear representations in 1986, the vast potential of these models became apparent.…