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Navigating Data Science Jobs in 2024: Roles, Teams, and Skills | by TDS Editors | Feb, 2024

Whether you’re applying to your first internship to running a multidisciplinary team of analysts and engineers, data science careers come with their own specific set of challenges. Some of these might be more exciting than others, and others can be downright tedious—that’s true in any job, of course—but we believe in framing all of these…

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QLoRA — How to Fine-Tune an LLM on a Single GPU | by Shaw Talebi | Feb, 2024

Imports We import modules from Hugging Face’s transforms, peft, and datasets libraries. from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline from peft import prepare_model_for_kbit_training from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model from datasets import load_dataset import transformers Additionally, we need the following dependencies installed for some of the previous modules to work. !pip install auto-gptq !pip install optimum !pip…

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Graph Theory to Harmonize Model Integration | by Ahmad Albarqawi | Feb, 2024

Optimising multi-model collaboration with graph-based orchestration Orchestra — photographer Arindam Mahanta by unsplashIntegrating the capabilities of various AI models unlocks a symphony of potential, from automating complex tasks that require multiple abilities like vision, speech, writing, and synthesis to enhancing decision-making processes. Yet, orchestrating these collaborations presents a significant challenge in managing the inner relations…

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How to Create Powerful Embeddings from Your Data to Feed into Your AI | by Eivind Kjosbakken | Feb, 2024

This article will show you different approaches you can take to create embeddings for your data Creating quality embeddings from your data is crucial for your AI system's efficacy. This article will show you different approaches you can use to convert your data from formats like images, texts, and audio, into powerful embeddings that can…

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Satellites Can See Invisible Lava Flows and Active Wildfires, But How? (Python) | by Mahyar Aboutalebi, Ph.D. 🎓 | Feb, 2024

Visualizing satellite images captured over volcanos and wildfires in various spectral bands Sentinel-2 images captured over a volcano and a wildfire visualized with different spectral bands by the author🌟 Introduction 🔍 Sentinel-2 (Spectral Bands) 🌐 Downloading Sentinel-2 Images ⚙️ Processing Sentinel-2 Images (Clipping and Resampling) 🌋 Visualization of Sentinel-2 Images (Volcano) 🔥 Visualization of Sentinel-2…

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Interpreting R²: a Narrative Guide for the Perplexed | by Roberta Rocca | Feb, 2024

An accessible walkthrough of fundamental properties of this popular, yet often misunderstood metric from a predictive modeling perspective Photo by Josh Rakower on UnsplashR² (R-squared), also known as the coefficient of determination, is widely used as a metric to evaluate the performance of regression models. It is commonly used to quantify goodness of fit in…

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Advanced Retrieval-Augmented Generation: From Theory to LlamaIndex Implementation | by Leonie Monigatti | Feb, 2024

For additional ideas on how to improve the performance of your RAG pipeline to make it production-ready, continue reading here: This section discusses the required packages and API keys to follow along in this article. Required Packages This article will guide you through implementing a naive and an advanced RAG pipeline using LlamaIndex in Python.…

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