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Moving Earth, Word, and Concept. Distance as a measure of difference | by Danielle Boccelli | Jan, 2024

Photo by Nadine Shaabana on UnsplashDistance as a measure of difference This article discusses three measures of distance: (1) the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD; Rubner et al., 1998); (2) the Word Mover’s Distance (WMD; Kusner et al., 2015); and (3) the Concept Mover’s Distance (CMD; Stoltz & Taylor, 2019). These measures build on one another…

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Deploying LLM Apps to AWS, the Open-Source Self-Service Way | by Wenqi Glantz | Jan, 2024

A step-by-step guide on deploying LlamaIndex RAGs to AWS ECS fargate Image generated by DALL-E 3 by the author· IaC Self-Service · High-Level Deployment Diagram · Overview of Pipelines · Infrastructure Pipeline ∘ terraform-aws-modules ∘ Implementation Prerequisites ∘ Step 1: Create GitHub environments ∘ Step 2: Add infrastructure pipeline code ∘ Step 3: Add…

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Generative AI is a Gamble Enterprises Should Take in 2024 | by Brett A. Hurt | Jan, 2024

LLMs today suffer from inaccuracies at scale, but that doesn’t mean you should cede competitive ground by waiting to adopt generative AI. Building an AI-ready workforce with OWLs, as imagined by OpenAI’s GPT-4Every enterprise technology has a purpose or it wouldn’t exist. Generative AI’s enterprise purpose is to produce human-usable output from technical, business,…

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Gaussian Processes from Scratch. Gain a deeper understanding of Gaussian… | by Theo Wolf | Jan, 2024

Gain a deeper understanding of Gaussian processes by implementing them with only NumPy. Gaussian Processes (GPs) are an incredible class of models. There are very few Machine Learning algorithms that give you an accurate measure of uncertainty for free while still being super flexible. The problem is, GPs are conceptually really difficult to understand. Most…

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