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5 Steps to Transform Messy Functions into Production-Ready Code | by Khuyen Tran | Jan, 2024

Image by AuthorFunctions are essential in a data science project because they make the code more modular, reusable, readable, and testable. However, writing a messy function that tries to do too much can introduce maintenance hurdles and diminish the code’s readability. In the following code, the function impute_missing_values is long, messy, and tries to do…

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No Code GenAI Agents Workflow Orchestration: AutoGen Studio with Local Mistral AI model | by Han HELOIR, Ph.D. ☕️ | Jan, 2024

Introduction to AutoGen and Mistral AI: AutoGen is a framework developed by Microsoft and designed to simplify the development of multi-agent applications, particularly in orchestrating LLM agents. Multi-agent applications involve systems where multiple LLM or multi-modal agents or entities interact with each other in the whole workflow to achieve specific goals or tasks. These agents…

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Tips and Tricks to Organize Jupyter Notebook Visualizations | by Matthew Andres Moreno | Jan, 2024

Optimize your data science workflow by automating matplotlib output — with 1 line of code. Here’s how. Naming things is hard. After a long enough day, we’ve all ended up with the highly-descriptive likes of “graph7(1)_FINAL(2).png” and “output.pdf" Look familiar? We can do better — and quite easily, actually. When we use data-oriented “seaborn-esque” plotting…

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How ReLU Enables Neural Networks to Approximate Continuous Nonlinear Functions? | by Thi-Lam-Thuy LE | Jan, 2024

Learn how a neural network with one hidden layer using ReLU activation can represent any continuous nonlinear functions. Activation functions play an integral role in Neural Networks (NNs) since they introduce non-linearity and allow the network to learn more complex features and functions than just a linear regression. One of the most commonly used activation…

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Ant Colony Optimization — Intuition, Code & Visualization | by James Koh, PhD | Jan, 2024

Where it stands out from other swarm algorithms This article is a continuation of my nature-inspired series. Previously, I talked about Evolutionary Algorithm (EA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), as well as Artificial Bee Colony (ABC). Nature is everywhere, and there’s certainly more areas where humans can benefit by learning from nature. Today, we focus on…

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A Weekend AI Project: Running Speech Recognition and a LLaMA-2 GPT on a Raspberry Pi | by Dmitrii Eliuseev | Jan, 2024

A fully offline use of Whisper ASR and LLaMA-2 GPT Model Raspberry Pi running a LLaMA model, Image by authorNowadays, nobody will be surprised by running a deep learning model in the cloud. But the situation can be much more complicated in the edge or consumer device world. There are several reasons for that. First,…

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