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Solving a Tennis Refactoring Challenge in Python using SOLID | by Tomer Gabay | Feb, 2024

A step-by-step illustration of how to use SOLID to solve a refactoring challenge Photo by Lucas Davies on UnsplashIntroduction Code refactor challenges are well-known by software engineers, but less so by data scientists, though data scientists can also highly benefit from practising such challenges. By practising these, especially when applying the SOLID principles, you learn…

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Encoding Categorical Variables: A Deep Dive into Target Encoding | by Juan Jose Munoz | Feb, 2024

Data comes in different shapes and forms. One of those shapes and forms is known as categorical data. This poses a problem because most Machine Learning algorithms use only numerical data as input. However, categorical data is usually not a challenge to deal with, thanks to simple, well-defined functions that transform them into numerical values.…

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Cropping Landsat Scenes from their Bounding Box using Python | by Conor O’Sullivan | Feb, 2024

Removing the outer border of Landsat satellite images using the stac file (source: author)Telling stories with satellite images is straightforward. The mesmerising landscapes do most of the work. Yet, visualising them takes some work such as selecting and scaling the RGB channels. In this article, we will go further. We will see how we can…

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