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Deep Learning in Human Activity Recognition: This AI Research Introduces an Adaptive Approach with Raspberry Pi and LSTM for Enhanced, Location-Independent Accuracy

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is a field of study that focuses on developing methods and techniques to automatically identify and classify human activities based on data collected from various sensors. HAR aims to enable machines like smartphones, wearable devices, or smart environments to understand and interpret human activities in real-time. Traditionally, wearable sensor-based and camera-based…

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Meet DreamSync: A New Artificial Intelligence Framework to Improve Text-to-Image (T2I) Synthesis with Feedback from Image Understanding Models

Researchers from the University of Southern California, the University of Washington, Bar-Ilan University, and Google Research introduced DreamSync, which addresses the problem of enhancing alignment and aesthetic appeal in diffusion-based text-to-image (T2I) models without the need for human annotation, model architecture modifications, or reinforcement learning. It achieves this by generating candidate images, evaluating them using…

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Stability AI Introduces Adversarial Diffusion Distillation (ADD): The Groundbreaking Method for High-Fidelity, Real-Time Image Synthesis in Minimal Steps

In generative modeling, diffusion models (DMs) have assumed a pivotal role, facilitating recent progress in producing high-quality picture and video synthesis. Scalability and iterativeness are two of DMs’ main advantages; they enable them to do intricate tasks like picture creation from free-form text cues. Unfortunately, the many sample steps required for the iterative inference process…

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Researchers from Peking University and Microsoft Introduce COLE: An Effective Hierarchical Generation Framework that can Convert a Simple Intention Prompt into a High-Quality Graphic Design

Natural picture production is now on par with professional photography, thanks to a notable recent improvement in quality. This advancement is attributable to creating technologies like DALL·E3, SDXL, and Imagen. Key elements driving these developments are using the potent Large Language Model (LLM) as a text encoder, scaling up training datasets, increasing model complexity, better…

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Meet SceneTex: A Novel AI Method for High-Quality, Style-Consistent Texture Generation in Indoor Scenes

High-quality 3D content synthesis is a crucial yet challenging problem for many applications, such as autonomous driving, robotic simulation, gaming, filmmaking, and future VR/AR situations. The topic of 3D geometry generation has seen a surge in research interest from the computer vision and graphics community due to the availability of more and more 3D content…

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Breaking the Boundaries in 3D Scene Representation: How a New AI Technique is Changing the Game with Faster, More Efficient Rendering and Reduced Storage Demands

NeRF represents scenes as continuous 3D volumes. Instead of discrete 3D meshes or point clouds, it defines a function that calculates color and density values for any 3D point within the scene. By training the neural network on multiple scene images captured from different viewpoints, NeRF learns to generate consistent and accurate representations that align…

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This AI Paper from Northeastern University and MIT Develop Interpretable Concept Sliders for Enhanced Image Generation Control in Diffusion Models

Finer control over the visual characteristics and notions represented in a produced picture is typically required by artistic users of text-to-image diffusion models, which is presently not achievable. It can be challenging to accurately modify continuous qualities, such as an individual’s age or the intensity of the weather, using simple text prompts. This constraint makes…

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Can We Map Large-Scale Scenes in Real-Time without GPU Acceleration? This AI Paper Introduces ‘ImMesh’ for Advanced LiDAR-Based Localization and Meshing

Providing a virtual environment that matches the actual world, the recent widespread rise of 3D applications, including metaverse, VR/AR, video games, and physical simulators, has improved human lifestyle and increased productive efficiency. These programs are based on triangle meshes, which stand in for the intricate geometry of actual environments. Most current 3D applications rely on…

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This AI Research from China Introduces GS-SLAM: A Novel Approach for Enhanced 3D Mapping and Localization

Researchers from Shanghai AI Laboratory, Fudan University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have collaborated to develop a 3D Gaussian representation-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system named GS-SLAM. The goal of the plan is to achieve a balance between accuracy and efficiency. GS-SLAM uses a real-time differentiable splatting…

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This AI Research Introduces FollowNet: A Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset for Car-Following Behavior Modeling

Following another vehicle is the most common and basic driving activity. Following other cars safely lessens collisions and makes traffic flow more predictable. When drivers follow other vehicles on the road, the appropriate car-following model represents this behavior mathematically or computationally. The availability of real-world driving data and developments in machine learning have largely contributed…

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