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Best 6 Purchase Order Software in 2024

In the world of business, efficiency and accuracy are key. One critical aspect where these qualities play a vital role is in the handling of purchase orders. A purchase order is more than just a document; it’s a fundamental component of business transactions, governing the purchasing of products or services. Traditionally, managing purchase orders has been a complex and paper-heavy process, often leading to inefficiencies and errors.

Enter the era of modern purchase order software which have transformed how businesses handle procurement. Purchase order software digitizes and automates the purchasing process, making it faster, more accurate, and seamlessly integrated with other business systems. This does not only replace paper. It’s about enhancing the procurement process, improving supplier relationships, and gaining better control over business finances.

In this blog post, we will delve into the intricate world of purchase orders and the revolutionary impact of purchase order software. We start by understanding what a purchase order is and its role in business transactions. We then discuss the challenges faced in traditional purchase order processes and explore the myriad benefits that purchase order software brings to the table. Following this, we will highlight some of the top purchase order software picks currently available in the market. Finally, we will wrap up with key takeaways and additional resources to further explore these essential business tools.

What is a Purchase Order?

A purchase order (PO) is a legally binding agreement issued by the purchaser to the vendor, informing of the type of product/service ordered and the quantity and prices agreed upon. It serves as a legal offer to buy, which becomes a binding contract once the seller accepts it. Purchase orders help businesses control their purchasing process, ensuring that both parties have clear expectations regarding the transaction.

In the procurement process, the purchase order goes hand-in-hand with the following documents depending on the complexity of the procurement process which varies business to business –

  • Invoice, a legally binding document that is issued by the vendor to the purchaser along with or after the delivery of the product/service to the customer. It has all details of the vendor, customer, product/service being delivered, pricing and payment mode.
  • Goods Receipt is a confirmation of the receipt of the final product or service from the vendor.
  • Large companies may also have Vouchers, that indicate the completeness of the approval process – it serves as book keeping for supporting documents like PO, invoice, receipt etc. and contains information on approvals, case numbers and other information related to that particular purchase.

Purchase Order Workflow

Understanding the workflow of purchase orders is crucial for businesses of all sizes. The complexity and steps involved often vary depending on the scale and specific needs of the organization. In this section, we’ll explore two hypothetical examples of purchase order workflows: one for a Small and Medium-sized Business (SMB) and another for a Large Corporation. These examples will showcase the varying levels of complexity and the practical, real-world application of these workflows.

Purchase Order Workflow for an SMB

Step 1: Need Identification

  • Example: A small boutique hotel, “Sunrise Stay,” needs to purchase 50 new bed linen sets for its rooms.

Step 2: Vendor Selection

  • Example: The hotel’s procurement manager selects “Cozy Linens Ltd.” based on their quality products and competitive pricing.

Step 3: Purchase Order Creation

  • Example: The manager creates a purchase order using basic software, detailing 50 linen sets at $40 each, totaling $2,000.

Step 4: Approval Process

  • Example: The purchase order is sent to the hotel owner for approval, which is done via email.

Step 5: PO Issuance to Vendor

  • Example: The approved PO is emailed to “Cozy Linens Ltd.”

Step 6: Confirmation and Delivery

  • Example: “Cozy Linens Ltd.” confirms the order and delivers the linen sets within the agreed timeframe.

Step 7: Receiving and Inspection

  • Example: The hotel staff receives the linen sets and inspects them for quality and quantity.

Step 8: Payment Processing

  • Example: After confirming the receipt and satisfaction with the order, the hotel processes payment via a bank transfer to “Cozy Linens Ltd.”
Purchase Order Workflow for a Large Corporation

Step 1: Need Identification

  • Example: A multinational corporation, “TechGlobal Inc.,” requires 10,000 units of a specific electronic component for their new product.

Step 2: Vendor Selection and Contract Negotiation

  • Example: The corporation’s procurement team conducts a detailed market analysis and selects “Advanced Components Ltd.” After several rounds of negotiations, they finalize the terms.

Step 3: Purchase Order Creation and Internal Review

  • Example: The procurement team creates a detailed PO in their enterprise procurement system, with each unit priced at $15, totaling $150,000.

Step 4: Multi-Level Approval Process

  • Example: The PO undergoes a multi-level approval process, involving the procurement manager, the finance department, and the head of the production unit.

Step 5: Electronic PO Issuance to Vendor

  • Example: An electronic PO is sent directly from the procurement system to “Advanced Components Ltd.”

Step 6: Vendor Production and Shipment

  • Example: “Advanced Components Ltd.” starts production and ships the components in batches as per the agreed schedule.

Step 7: Receiving, Inspection, and Inventory Update

  • Example: TechGlobal Inc.’s receiving department checks each batch against the PO and updates the inventory in their system.

Step 8: Three-Way Matching and Payment

  • Example: The finance department conducts a three-way match between the PO, the delivery receipt, and the vendor’s invoice. Upon successful matching, payment is released through electronic funds transfer.

Role in Business Transactions

Purchase orders play a crucial role in business transactions. They help in maintaining financial control, as they outline the specifics of what is being purchased and at what price. This clarity is essential for budgeting and forecasting. POs also serve as a key document in inventory management and are integral to supply chain operations. They aid in tracking orders, managing stock levels, and planning future procurement needs.

Components of a Purchase Order

A typical purchase order includes:

  • Buyer and Seller Information: Names and contact details of the business making the purchase and the vendor.
  • Product or Service Details: Descriptions of the items or services being purchased, including quantities and specifications.
  • Prices: The agreed-upon prices for each item or service.
  • Terms: Payment terms, delivery dates, shipping methods, and other conditions of the purchase.
  • PO Number: A unique identifier for tracking and reference purposes.

Challenges in Manual Workflows

The traditional, paper-based purchase order process is fraught with complexities and inefficiencies. These systems require manual entry of data, physical storage of documents, and manual routing of POs for approvals and modifications. This not only consumes considerable time but also increases the risk of human error. The manual process lacks the agility needed in the fast-paced business world, where decisions and purchases often need to be made swiftly to capitalize on market opportunities or address urgent needs.

Manual Data Entry

Manual data entry wastes valuable time and human resources. It is also inherently prone to errors. Mistakes in quantities, pricing, or vendor details can lead to significant financial discrepancies and order mismatches. Furthermore, paper-based systems are susceptible to lost or misplaced documents, leading to confusion and delays. Miscommunication is another common issue, as verbal agreements or changes might not be promptly or accurately reflected in the purchase order, leading to disputes and strained relationships with vendors.

Approval Bottlenecks

A key challenge in the traditional purchase order process is the approval bottleneck. POs often require multiple approvals, and in a manual system, this means physically routing the document through various departments. This process can be time-consuming, lacking transparency on the status of the approval process. Delays in approvals can halt or slow down the procurement process, impacting project timelines, inventory levels, and overall business operations.

Cumbersome Validation and PO Matching

An additional challenge faced in traditional purchase order processes is the cumbersome task of validation and PO matching. This process, often referred to as three-way matching, involves verifying that the purchase order, the received invoice, and the delivery receipt all align in terms of quantities, prices, and terms. Associated challenges are –

  • Time-Consuming Process: Manually comparing these documents is a time-intensive task, especially for businesses dealing with a large volume of orders. It requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure every item matches across all documents.
  • Increased Risk of Errors: The manual verification process increases the risk of discrepancies going unnoticed. Errors in matching can lead to incorrect payments, either overpaying or underpaying a vendor, which can strain vendor relationships and impact financial accuracy.
  • Delay in Payment Processing: Discrepancies in matching often lead to delays in processing payments to suppliers. These delays can hinder a company’s ability to maintain good standing with its suppliers, potentially affecting future supply and credit terms.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: When staff members are bogged down with the tedious task of PO matching, it takes away time that could be spent on more strategic activities. This inefficiency can have a ripple effect, slowing down other areas of operation.

Lack of Integration

In many businesses, the purchase order process operates in a silo, disconnected from other critical business systems such as inventory management, accounting, and customer relationship management (CRM). This lack of integration results in a disjointed and inefficient workflow. For instance, when purchase orders are not automatically linked to inventory systems, it can lead to stock discrepancies, over-ordering, or stockouts. Similarly, disconnects with accounting systems can cause delays in financial reporting and challenges in cash flow management.

What is Purchase Order Software?

Purchase order software is a sophisticated yet user-friendly digital tool designed to revolutionize the traditional procurement process. It automates the creation, management, and tracking of purchase orders, transforming a once cumbersome and error-prone task into a streamlined and efficient operation. This software serves as a central platform where businesses can generate purchase orders, send them to suppliers, track their status, ingest and extract data from invoices, perform purchase order matching, and integrate with other systems like inventory management and accounting. By digitalizing this crucial aspect of business operations, purchase order software not only enhances accuracy and reduces administrative workload but also provides valuable insights into purchasing trends and supplier performance.

This leads to significant benefits for the procurement process of a business –


Purchase order software automates the entire procurement process, from creation to approval, to final order. Automation reduces the need for manual data entry, thereby speeding up the process and freeing up staff time for more value-adding activities. Automated workflows ensure that POs are routed correctly and efficiently for approvals, reducing bottlenecks and enabling quicker decision-making.

No Manual Data Entry

By minimizing the need for manual data entry by utilizing artificial intelligence for data extraction, purchase order software significantly reduces the risk of errors. This increased accuracy is crucial for maintaining financial integrity and ensuring that orders are processed correctly. The software also maintains a digital trail of all transactions, which helps in auditing and resolving any discrepancies that may arise.

Real-Time Tracking

One of the standout features of purchase order software is the ability to track the status of orders in real-time. This visibility is invaluable for managing inventory levels, anticipating delivery times, and planning future procurement activities. Real-time tracking also enhances transparency, allowing various departments to stay informed about the status of orders without the need for manual communication.

Integration Capabilities

Modern purchase order software seamlessly integrates with other business systems, such as inventory management, accounting, and CRM. This integration ensures a unified workflow where data flows smoothly between systems. For instance, when a PO is approved, inventory levels can be automatically updated, and financial records adjusted accordingly. This interconnectedness leads to more accurate data, better resource planning, and overall operational efficiency.

Enhanced Supplier Relationships

Effective communication and streamlined transactions are crucial for maintaining healthy supplier relationships. Purchase order software facilitates better communication by providing clear, accurate, and timely information to suppliers. It also allows for quicker resolutions of discrepancies and enables businesses to adhere more closely to agreed-upon terms and conditions, fostering trust and reliability between trading partners.

Top 6 Purchase Order Software in 2024

Based on recent reviews and analyses, here are six of the best purchase order software options for 2024:

Nanonets: NanoNets is a cutting-edge purchase order software that epitomizes innovation and efficiency in procurement management. With its advanced AI capabilities, NanoNets delivers end-to-end automation, streamlining every step of the purchase order process. This comprehensive approach transforms a traditionally complex task into a streamlined and efficient operation.

At the heart of NanoNets’ prowess is its AI-driven technology. The software harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to automate critical aspects of the purchase order process. This includes everything from data entry and extraction to workflow management and approvals. The AI is engineered to learn and adapt, continuously improving its accuracy and effectiveness in handling diverse procurement tasks.

One of the standout features of NanoNets is its exceptional accuracy in data extraction. The system intelligently parses and extracts pertinent information from various documents, ensuring that data like vendor details, item descriptions, prices, and quantities are captured accurately and consistently. This capability is crucial in minimizing errors that can arise from manual data entry, thereby maintaining the integrity of financial transactions and records.

Another significant advantage of NanoNets is its easy approval setup. The software simplifies the approval process, making it quicker and more transparent. With customizable workflow options, businesses can tailor the approval chain to suit their specific organizational structure and procurement policies. This flexibility ensures that purchase orders are reviewed and approved efficiently, reducing bottlenecks and facilitating faster decision-making.

Integration is a vital aspect of any procurement software, and NanoNets excels in this area. It offers vast integration capabilities with existing systems, including ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), accounting software, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. This seamless integration ensures that data flows smoothly across different business functions, enhancing overall operational efficiency. It also enables better data visibility, aiding in strategic decision-making and financial planning.

Moreover, NanoNets is designed with user experience in mind. Its intuitive interface allows for easy navigation and operation, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The platform is also scalable, catering to the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises. This scalability ensures that as a business grows, NanoNets can grow with it, continuously meeting the evolving demands of purchase order management.

In terms of pricing, NanoNets offers a competitive edge. Starting at $499 per month, it presents a cost-effective solution for businesses seeking to automate and optimize their purchase order process. This investment is justified by the significant time and cost savings achieved through improved efficiency, accuracy, and reduced manual effort.

ProcureDesk: ProcureDesk is praised for its user-friendly interface and offers a range of features including easy purchase request creation, automated order conversion, and real-time purchase order tracking. It provides an omnichannel approach for purchase approvals, supporting web app, email, and mobile app usage. It also integrates well with accounting systems like QuickBooks and Netsuite, making it ideal for mid to large-sized companies, especially those already using these accounting tools. However, it could benefit from improved virtual card support and expanded integration options. Pricing for ProcureDesk starts at $380 for the purchase order module, covering 10 users, with annual subscriptions offering a discount.

QuickBooks: Known primarily for its accounting software, QuickBooks also offers an intuitive purchase order software. It’s particularly advantageous for current QuickBooks users, offering seamless integration with its accounting solutions. QuickBooks simplifies purchase order creation, customization, and automates the billing process. Plans start at $12.50 per month, but for growing businesses, the Plus plan is recommended for its additional features like inventory management. However, QuickBooks may not be suitable for larger organizations with more complex accounting needs.

Coupa Procurement: This software stands out for its flexibility and ease of use, bringing an e-commerce-like experience to procurement. It offers an intuitive interface with features like product discount alerts and straightforward statement of work forms. Coupa Procurement’s pricing isn’t publicly listed, but they offer a free live demo for personalized pricing information. While it’s a strong choice, it could benefit from more pricing transparency and broader integration capabilities.

Procurify: Procurify is noted for its streamlined procurement processes and efficient financial tracking. It’s a cloud-based platform offering automated approval flows, real-time budget tracking, and a mobile app for remote access. Pricing starts at $1,000 per month for small businesses, making it more suitable for mid-sized to large businesses. Some users have reported slow performance and a need for training to fully utilize its features.

Precoro: Precoro offers a straightforward and easy-to-navigate user interface. It supports streamlined PO creation, approval workflows, and integrates well with popular accounting systems like QuickBooks and Xero. Its cloud-based nature allows for flexible in-office and remote work. However, Precoro has limited native integrations and a less optimal user experience on mobile apps. Its pricing starts at $35/user/month.

Tipalti Approve: Formerly known as, Tipalti Approve focuses on enhancing business spend control by simplifying purchase order requests and approvals. It integrates well with ERP systems and operates on a secure AWS cloud infrastructure. While effective in automating manual processes, its starting price of $2,000/month makes it more suited for larger organizations. It’s SOC2 compliant, ensuring a high standard of security and reliability.

Each of these software options has its unique strengths and potential areas for improvement. The choice depends on the specific needs of your business, such as the size of your company, the complexity of your procurement processes, and your existing software ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

In our exploration of purchase order software, we’ve uncovered various facets of its importance in modern business. We began by understanding the traditional purchase order process, fraught with manual errors and inefficiencies. We then delved into the transformative power of purchase order software, highlighting its capability to automate and streamline procurement processes, ensure accuracy, provide real-time tracking, and facilitate seamless integration with other business systems. These benefits not only optimize operations but also enhance supplier relationships. The right purchase order software can be a pivotal factor in achieving business efficiency and staying competitive in the digital age. Looking ahead, the future of purchase order management is deeply intertwined with ongoing digital transformation, promising even greater efficiencies and innovations.


In conclusion, the realm of purchase order management has undergone a significant transformation, moving from traditional, error-prone manual processes to modern, efficient, and automated systems enabled by advanced purchase order software. This blog has explored the critical role of purchase orders in business transactions, the challenges of manual workflows, and the dynamic solutions offered by cutting-edge software. We’ve seen how these tools not only streamline procurement processes but also enhance accuracy, provide real-time tracking, foster better supplier relationships, and integrate seamlessly with other key business systems. Among the top contenders in this space, NanoNets stands out with its AI-driven capabilities, offering an end-to-end automated solution that promises to revolutionize how your business handles purchase orders.

As you consider the next steps for your business, it’s essential to recognize the value and impact of adopting the right purchase order software. NanoNets, with its powerful automation and integration features, could be the perfect fit for your organization, whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise. To truly understand how NanoNets can transform your purchase order process and bring efficiency to your procurement activities, we strongly recommend scheduling a demo. This hands-on experience will allow you to see the software in action, ask questions specific to your business needs, and make an informed decision about this crucial investment in your company’s future.

Don’t let outdated processes hold back your business’s potential. Take the first step towards a more streamlined, accurate, and efficient procurement process. Schedule a demo with NanoNets today and see how our innovative purchase order software can elevate your business operations to the next level.

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